
Qualifying Program for the MajorsPTI/PTE (B-Level Assessment Qualification)

Dr. Mark S Majors is the author of the Majors Type Assessments and has decades of experience in training individuals to use type assessments. His workshops provide the most advanced understanding of Jungian psychological type and its application through the MajorsPTI and Majors PT-Elements.

This qualifying program consists of two components: Pre-reading assignments to gain a basic understanding and a three day intensive workshop to develop the knowledge and skills to use the restricted Majors type assessments. There is also an additional fourth day that trains individuals in the advanced Jungian assessment features of the Majors PT-Elements.

The pre-reading materials are the MajorsPTI and Majors PT-Elements Professional User’s Manuals, as well as additional handout material from Dr. Mark S Majors. You will also be required to take both the MajorsPTI and PT-Elements prior to arriving at the workshop.

The three-day workshop is broken down as follows:

Day One: Understanding the Basics of Jungian Typology and Assessment foundations.

Day Two: The psychometrics and the connection between the Majors Assessments and Jungian Theory.

Day Three: Learning methods of providing ethical feedback/applications using the MajorsPTI.

Majors PT-Elements advanced workshop additional day.

Day Four: A full day of understanding and application of the Advanced Jungian Scales on the Majors PT-Elements.

Materials for the workshops will be provided on site.

For times, locations and more information please contact or call 614-664-7650.